Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alive and (kinda) well...

It has been quite a few days since last I posted. It's hard to cook, clean, entertain and THEN write about it! (yeah, yeah, having a little too much whine with my blogging...) and on top of it all...

I have a cold.

In the blazing heat of a Georgia May.

Cold. May. Wait, what? I blame my air conditioning-loving hubby-to-be. I was fine loaded down with ice packs and an oscillating fan. To-tally fine. ;)

The good news is, with all of my down time, I've gathered tons of material to post about. Now if I can just get the time to post... Tomorrow, I swear.

Tonight, I have a standing date with Vick's VapoRub.

PS: If anybetty has some home remedies they'd like to share in the comments, this somebetty would surely appreciate it! :)


  1. Sleep and vitamins and fresh lemonade,(real lemons). and sleep. DH.

  2. What a good idea! Especially if sweetened with a little honey. I'd been struggling with the idea of a hot toddie, considering we've been hovering in the 90's here in Atlanta...but lemonade sounds refreshing and soothing!
